A one-woman show, conceived, written, and arranged by Chip Deffaa
Fanny Brice rose from rather humble origins to become the highest-paid American singing comedienne--a Ziegfeld star equally effective whether putting over a broadly comic number or a dramatic torch song.
A strong, intuitive, street-smart woman, Brice's life story provided the inspiration for "Funny Girl" and "Funny Lady."
The show recently had its first production, in New Jersey. Kimberly Faye Greenberg (pictured below) starred. Chip Deffaa directed, and Justin Boccitto (assisted by Cristina Marie) choreographed.
The audience loved it, and we're looking forward to doing other productions with Greenberg (pictured at right and below).
Kimberly Faye Greenberg as Fanny Brice
Fanny Brice on the radio
The next production of "One Night with Fanny Brice" will be at the American Century Theater, in Arlington, Virgina (Jack Marshall, Artistic Director), from November 11th-December 12th, 2010.
"One Night with Fanny Brice" features songs Brice made famous, including "Rose of Washington Square," "My Man," and "Second Hand Rose."
This solo show is a terrific tour-de-force for a dynamic singing actress.
Kimberly Faye Greenberg, at right and below, in "One Night with Fanny Brice." (Demo CD and DVD available upon request.)
Kimberly Faye Greenberg as Fanny Brice (photo by Maryann Lopinto)
Kimberly Faye Greenberg as "Fanny Bice" (photo by Maryann Lopinto)
You can license the script from us and do a production of your own, casting whomever you'd like.
Or, if you prefer, talk to us about providing a package for your venue--with Kimberly Faye Greenberg as the star, directed by Chip Deffaa. We'll find a way to make it work, whatever is best for you.
Kimberly Faye Greenberg with playwright/director Chip Deffaa
Kimberly Faye Greenberg has performed in such Off-Broadway shows as "The Vagina Monologues," Al Camine's "Christmas Rappings," and "Danny & Sylvia"--playing Sylvia Fine, the wife of Danny Kaye. Here's one neat historical tidbit--Danny Kaye and Sylvia Fine used to show their material first to Fanny Brice, before trying it out in public; if Brice gave her approval, they used it; if Brice said it wasn't up to snuff, they didn't!
Kimerly Faye Greenberg as Fanny Brice
Fanny Brice, with her son, Billy
If you would like more information on "One Night with Fanny Brice," or would like to license the show, contact Chip Deffaa Productions LLC, 50 Quartz Lane, Paterson, NJ 07501-3345, tel. (973) 684-3340, Email: OriginalCast1@aol.com.
Or contact: Peter Sawyer President The Fifi Oscard Agency 110 W. 40th St., Suite #704 New York, NY 10018 tel. (212) 764-1100
Fanny Brice
Kimberly Faye Greenberg
Fanny Brice (candid shot from the collection of Chip Deffaa)